On 25th September 2024, Health Ministry said that the Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Act (Act 852) will officially take effect on October 1. The Act covers regulations on the registration, sale, packaging, labelling and the prohibition of smoking in public places.
The Health Ministry has taken preliminary research and investigation against vaping, indicating that the usage rate of vape has rapidly increased. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survery (GATS) and National Health & Morbidity Survery (NHMS) released in 2023, in the age of between 15 and 24, the usage rate has increased from 1.1% in 2011 to 8.6% in 2023. Likewise, there are approximately 19% of adult smoking, of which vaping makes up a considerable portion of it. The investigation has further disclosed the potential risks of vaping against health, for instance dry cough, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms. Meanwhile, it shows that the the chemical substances in vape might lead to long-term health issues.
According to the relevant contents of the above-said control act, firstly, the act incorporates regulations on vaping, carrying out more stringent control acts. Secondly, vape is viewed as traditional tobacco cigarettes, implementing ordinary packaging against traditional cigarettes where as “standard packaging” against vape products. Thirdly, it allows the sellings of certain flavours and prohibits particular flavours through the way of whitelist in order to restrict the flavours of vape.

Health Ministry Dzulkefly Ahmad had earlier stated that this is helpful in controlling the problem of selling vape products to minors in order to make changes from the root of the problem. It has always been very strict in terms of smoking in Malaysia. Starting from 1th January 2019, Malaysia had implemented acts of expanding no-smoking areas, stating that it is illegal to smoke in food court or even 3 kilometers away from it (including street food stalls). Furthermore, not only cigarette is banned, but also hookah and vape.
Malaysia government has further proposed <Control of Smoking Products For Public Health Act 2023>, planning to fully prohibit those citizens who were born after 1th January 2007 from smoking, including the prohibitions of purchasing and using traditional cigarettes and vapes.
In 2024, Malaysia is expecting to carry out the Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Act (Act 852), further regulating the usage of vape strictly, especially against the uptrend of the usage of vape in the group of young people. The act covers requirements on the registration, prohibition of sale and advertisement, selling control, regulations on packaging and labelling, designation of non-smoking areas, emergency handling, supervision on vaping and others.
Additional information: Students must be aware! In Malaysia, smokers must strcitly follow the rules of smoking where smoking in non-smoking areas could be fined up to RM 10K or two-year imprisonment. Non-smoking areas include restaurant, hospital, park, school, shopping centre, sport centre, petrol station, bus station, train station, airport and public toilet. Other than cigarette products, vape or any hookah that contains nicotine is under the act.