The guidelines from the Central Agency for Application of Filming and Performance by Foreign Artistes (Puspal) have been amended to include new rules. The new guidelines are said to take effect in 2024. So, what has been added?
1) Days where concerts are prohibited
According to 16.1, concerts and large-scale performances by foreign artists are not allowed:
- Around National Day (30th August – 31st August),
- Around Malaysia Day (15th September to 16th September),
- On religious holidays unless allowed by the relevant religious authorities or the relevant local authorities,
- On the night before any major Islamic holidays and on the day of said holidays unless permitted by the relevant Islamic authorities,
- On the day of the YDPA’s or Sultan’s death or
- On any other days determined by the government or state government.

Pursuant to that, Guideline 16.2 clarifies that Islamic holidays are during the entire month of Ramadhan, Awal Muharram, Maulidur Rasul, Isra’ Mikraj, Nisfu Sya’ban, Nuzul Al-Quran, Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Hari Raya Aidiladha.
2) Dress code
Updates have also been made to the dress codes of foreign artists. Regarding the male dress code, an update has been made to prohibit a man from cross-dressing as a woman as per Guideline 12.1(a).

Regarding the dress code for females, updates have been made to further specify that wearing clothes that display any symbol, picture or words that are vulgar in nature, that touch upon religious, racial and cultural issues, or display brands of cigarettes, liquor and drugs is prohibited as per Guideline 12.2(d).

Other than said updates, the dress code remains relatively similar to the 2019 version.
3) Regarding scripts
Moreover, new guidelines have also been introduced to prohibit movie scripts that depict enforcement agencies (like the police) in a bad light. It also prohibits scripts that go against the country’s values and sensitivities. Scripts that put the country’s image/relationship with other countries at risk are also prohibited.